With the sun blazing half the time and the other half raining, we could say the sketchcrawl at Escolta street in Manila was a success.
Sketching or drawing on location offers a more direct and personal way of recording what you see, feel and think. The level of artistry does not bare importance and the result does not matter much. What is given emphasis is the experience of the place captured on paper. Heritage places offer an interesting theme for sketching as you get a glimpse of the cultural and artistic richness they emanate. You notice things more, taking in the place more intimately than merely taking pictures. In this case, you would be making the picture, instead of taking it. The process of making utilizes a deeper brain procedure, which in turn makes everything more memorable and personalized. This is what we recently experienced during our sketching session we had at Escolta street. The façade of the Capitol Theatre was particularly interesting since we noticed the details of the two ladies relief, otherwise unnoticed looking or taking a picture. Street children started to flock to us, curious of what we were doing. We wished we had extra pads and pencils to give away for their chance to sketch along. It's the first time we've encountered curious street kids and with Ryan suggestion of carrying sketchbooks and pencils next time, we could make a point of encouraging anyone to join us impromptu
and notice our city. Adults who stop would strike conversations with us, and it makes the whole experience of being there richer that what we’ve expected. 8 of us had a blast. We hope a lot more be encouraged to join us. Next theme will be a museum. Details to follow soon.